Open Source Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard Software

Your organization was recently restructured and has developed its very own vision and mission.

With the new vision and mission, you plan to create strategy maps and balanced scorecards to fully understand the corporate’s goals and objectives.

In essence, the strategy defines “We are THIS type of Organization” while the scorecard defines “HOW are we THIS type of Organization”.

There are multiple ways to implement strategy maps and balanced scorecard. Some would just draw and chart them out then distribute them as a memo to respective staff.

For those who are technology savvy, they would use an open-source strategy map and balanced scorecard software to help with the implementation.

Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard Software is provided by a company called Applied PC Systems Pty Ltd based in Australia.

What is a balanced scorecard?

The balanced scorecard was initially developed by Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton as a framework for measuring organizational performance.

Traditionally companies used only short-term financial performance as the measure of success.

The system has evolved over the years and is now considered a fully integrated strategic management system.

Balanced scorecard software features:

  • The Startup program has 10 modules which include Vision/Mission/Swot, Strategy Map, Balanced Scorecard, Drill-Down Dashboard, Options, Log File, and Database Integrity Checker.
  • The Balanced Scorecard Objectives Grid is a highly adaptable multi-purpose table. 15 user-defined columns can be defined in a variety of formats.
  • The Initiatives tables are also highly adaptable with 24 user-defined columns.
  • The Drill-Down Dashboard module allows column-based cross-referencing throughout the whole Strategic Plan.
  • The Closed Loop Learning Performance system thus originates from the Gantt Chart, back up through the Initiatives & Objectives Tables, the Organizational Tree, and finally into the Strategy Map.
  • Strategy Map Module’s ability to display and edit all the primary vision/mission statements. Provides a more complete picture and allows the statements to be altered in the context of the strategic intent. Perspective row aligned flowchart with the ability to have up to 9 rows. Existing perspective rows can be duplicated and additional perspectives can be added.
  • Balanced Scorecard Features and Organizational Tree WYSIWYG: The term WYSIWYG is a common computer acronym that stands for: what you see is what you get. The gauge can be in various styles, as determined in the options module, and this can include a % value. You can choose one row from the monthly grids to be averaged as the driver for the initiatives grid gauge column. This averaging process provides the basis for a feedback loop into the higher-level objectives system.

Some sample balanced scorecard screenshots:

Strategy Map

open source balanced scorecard strategy map

open source balanced scorecard strategy map

Some key videos as prepared by the team:

Create Vision Mission Value Statements Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard V6.6 Create Vision Mission Value Statements Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard

Using Strategy Map Module V6.6 Using Strategy Map Module Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard

Head on over to and check out or download the latest version 7.9 of the Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard Software.


About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.