Free home and office planning software – by IKEA

What are your home and office environment like?

A bit messy with furniture placed here and there?

If it is so, then it’s time you redesign your place and put in some nice and trendy looking furniture.

Did you know that if your bedroom is nice, clean and comfortable, you’ll have much better rest and be more productive? Also, a comfortable office environment encourages us to be more creative and motivated at work.

As for myself, every time I go to a furniture mall, I would look at how nice the furniture is placed and arranged. Then I thought, if only there’s free software to help me to plan where and how I should place my furniture.

Researching through the Internet, I found out about a free home and office planning software provided by IKEA.

Since it was free, I downloaded it and gave the IKEA planner software a try.

Available for download is

  • Kitchen planner
  • Bedroom planner and
  • Office planner

After trying the planner for 20 minutes, I found the software to work well without any glitches. My objective was to redesign my bedroom with some new furniture and indeed it was achieved within 20 minutes. The instructions on how to use the planner were clear and user friendly.

See the video below on how the software works:

The first step in the planner would be to define the shape of my room.

The second step is to put the furniture where ever I want it to be.

Once done, I just previewed it in a 3D view. I find this feature to be the best as it provides me with the first glimpse of what my room would look like.


The following are the benefits of using IKEA planners:

  • Based on the actual size of your room or office space, you can place furniture exactly where you want them to be without having to worry if it will fit well in the real room/space
  • The planner allows you to place electrical socket points so you can plan and place electrical items nearer to the points.
  • You can design and discuss the layout of the space with your boss and colleagues before placing the furniture. Definitely a time saver since moving furniture during office hours can be quite painful.
  • You can design and discuss the layout of your bedroom with your to be spouse to avoid any unwanted arguments later on in life.

Obviously anyone can benefit from IKEA planners whether you’re redesigning the office space, living room, or even the kitchen.

But what’s the catch of the planning tool? All the furniture that you can pick and choose from within the software is IKEA furniture!

Great for IKEA lovers. It has to be programmed this way since they are the software provider. Just remember to click on the Item List button from time to time to ensure that the furniture you choose does not exceed your budget during these times.

Thank you, IKEA. Download IKEA planner software today!

How to use IKEA room planner 🏠🔧🔩🔨 Subscribe

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.

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