Plan IT budget effectively with a free IT budget template

IT budget template screenshotAll organizations no matter how big or small have an IT team to help manage the organization’s daily computing needs.

Today’s question is how effective is your IT team and strategy? If you ask me, I would say it depends on the sort of systems we have and how capable are the IT staffs in managing the systems.

Basically, the bigger the IT budget your organization has, the more can be invested in IT systems.

IT Budgeting Simplified In Steps: Part 1

An IT team or department is given the responsibility to manage IT-related tasks such as:

  • Supporting IT users
  • Providing training to IT users
  • Managing IT vendors and consultant
  • Managing systems  like ERP, intranet, web site
  • Managing hardware like servers, printers, and desktops

An effective IT strategy can help an organization’s workforce:

  • Increase productivity
  • Work closer together
  • Deliver on business objectives
  • Automate key business processes

Every year, the IT planning department or even the CIO or CTO is required to come up with an IT budget. With this IT budget, people from the finance department together with the Management can then allocate a certain amount into the organization’s IT budget. However, the management usually wants to see what has been budgeted, such as:

  • IT Employee salaries
  • IT manpower requirements
  • IT Employee training plan
  • Computer software maintenance
  • Computer hardware maintenance
  • Software/system requirements
  • Consultant

Creating a fresh new IT budget for the organization can be a quite challenging task. If an IT budget was created last year, you could probably adjust and amend it to make it this year. But if you’re starting from scratch, then an IT budget template can help you out.

If you need an  IT budget template, simply sign up for the practical IT Manager Tips newsletter and receive a free copy of the budget template.

I’ve gotten my copy of the IT budget template and the best thing about this template is it provides a step by step instructions on how to develop an IT budget.

I’m not sure how long this IT budget template will be made available for free. Hopefully, by the time you get there, it’s still available. I hope it helps. Check out the IT Manager Store today!

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.


  • require the templet of it budjet online free

  • Hi Mukesh,

    Sorry if my instructions weren’t clear enough. To download the free IT budget, simply head on over to MDE, fill up your details and should get a download link shortly. Hope it helps!

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