Put Your HR on Autopilot

When it comes to running and growing a business there are a ton of things to consider, keep track of, and forecast for in order to be successful. And, while clients/customers and your products or services are key components, a truly successful business will put just as much attention into its staff and culture.

This is usually done with a dedicated HR department and manager. One who oversees all the policies, onboarding, staff morale, and generally anything that keeps the company running smoothly. However, having a dedicated HR department that runs efficiently and is cost-effective can be tough, especially for a smaller business.

Luckily, there are companies that can not only help smaller businesses offer an HR department but there’s one particular company that can do even more.

As the first outsourced human resource compliance solution for small businesses, Bambee can get any SMB access to an experienced HR Manager and help them run like a Fortune 500 company. They do this with their HR Autopilot service because things can change quickly in a business—policies, rules, staff—and having an HR management system covering your business is vital.

With Bambee’s HR Autopilot, you can identify any HR gaps and make sure all core, protective policies are current, signed by your employees, and reaffirmed semi-annually. This will help make sure that your business is protected. Plus, federal and state laws mandate that certain company files be held for a certain period of time, and with Bambee you’ll never have to guess who signed what or where your important HR documents are.

As for your employees and culture, Bambee’s HR Autopilot creates a safe space for your staff to speak up and share, alerting you to potential problems. It’s also a great way for your staff to express gratitude, anonymously or publicly as well. And, on top of being heard, Bambee offers training to keep your employees compliant and productive.

The best news is that this service doesn’t need a giant budget. Thanks to their flat pricing, you can easily find the best plan that works for you. There are also no contracts.

Bottom line, keeping over 10,000 American Businesses HR compliant all year long, Bambee’s HR Autopilot makes it easy to grow and scale your business while keeping your employees happy. So, head to Bambee and put your HR on autopilot today.

Terminations Done The Right Way

Having a proper HR department with a dedicated HR manager is crucial to a successful business. But, unfortunately, when it comes to many small businesses, they opt out due to budget restraints. It’s no secret that this can lead to trouble with compliance, culture, training, and more.

While keeping within a tight budget is vital to a small business’ growth, making smarter cuts to business management can be even more important. Luckily, you can provide your company with the HR department it needs while staying within budget with help from Bambee.

The first outsourced human resource compliance solution for small businesses, Bambee gives SMBs access to an experienced HR Manager with their HR Autopilot. Bambee helps keep over 10,000 American Businesses HR compliant all year long, with up-to-date HR policies, mandatory training, and regular, two-way feedback between you and your employees.

On top of keeping your company running smoothly, Bambee can also help with the unfortunate aspect of business like terminations. As your partner in these situations, Bambee makes sure the proper documentation process is in place, helping to avoid labor law violations, and ensuring that the proper exit or termination process is followed for state and federal laws, including advice around final checks, continued benefits, COBRA, and more.

Poorly executed terminations can be a big source of trouble for your company. Without the right processes in place, costly mistakes can happen, resulting in expensive lawsuits. Your Bambee HR manager will make sure you’re compliant in your process and can advise you on the things that you should do and say, AND the things you should definitely not say when dismissing someone.

The fact is, every employee deserves a fair, honest, and transparent process when it comes to leaving a company, whether it is their decision or not. Not only can Bambee help with this, but they can handle this and more for as low as $99 a month. With no hidden fees or contracts, you can stay within your budget while giving your company and employees what they need.

Head over to Bambee today and view their plans to see how to help your business grow without sacrificing the little things that can turn into big things.

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About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.

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