What is Krisp?
Krisp is an AI-powered noise-canceling software for your microphone. Krisp adds a virtual filter between your microphone and your calling app. The filter doesn’t let any background noise pass through.
Krisp pro lets you get more minutes for free if you share the app with your friends using a unique URL. The free plan comes with 120 minutes of free usage every week. There’s no other app out there in the marketplace that’s like Krisp.
How to use Krisp?
Krip is a single click app. It’s either off or it’s on. Once you turn it on it connects to any calling apps and starts filtering the audio programmatically.
Can confirm, krisp.ai is magical. does exactly what it says on the tin and Just Works™ out of the box with no configuration other than swapping the audio device in the call tool you’re using. it’s a must have for anyone who uses any call/conferencing software.
Been using it for some time, since it was in beta. Especially cool if you work in community places, bars or anywhere out of office. I would recommend it to everyone who has calls during his workday.
Pros: Just wonderful app in overall. Simple to setup and does the work.
Cons: I am a simple guy – if it works, don’t change it.