A few days back, a message flashed on my Gmail. Btw let me give you a quick intro about me & my company.
I’m the CEO of KleverApps, but I also proudly call myself the CMO of the company. And yes, we are a mobile app development company in Ireland. Thankfully we receive more than 100 enquiries in a month, and we make sure to have a thorough discussion with them & fully understand our client’s vision.
Ok back to the message I received.
The day was going like other usual days.
But later that evening, a message flashed & it made me think deeply. It read:
Yes, this message made me ponder upon prospective clients and the whole app development costs by which a client’s idea revolves.
No doubt, the cost is an essential factor in whatever plans you have for life. And I’m sure a lot of you are worried about the costs. And why you shouldn’t be!
But to be very honest, my first thought after reading this message was, “Bro, I don’t even know what your app idea is. How can I tell you the costs!” I replied him:
Image From John Waters KleverApps Email
After replying to him, I opened my diary and scratched through the pages listing all the clients we worked on & its cost. Recollecting the projects, I wrote the type of their project – simple, middle-level complex, and complex. My homework is also necessary, right! ?
Based on the projects we have delivered and dividing the apps into three different types, I observed that –
Simple apps cost around – €7000 – €20,000
Middle-level complex app costs around – €20,000 – €50,000
Complex apps cost around – €50,000 – €1,50,000 – €3,00,000
The client was quick to reply. And soon, we had a call.
He explained his app idea. (I know you want to hear the picture, but we can’t tell because we have signed an NDA). His idea was excellent, though. But throughout the call, there was this one question that kept coming back again & again.
So I told him, “Look, Jason, you have an excellent idea, and I’m sure that’s going to rock the App market. You’ve got to invest a more acceptable amount of money to get that desired return. And as your app idea requires a complex process, it would cost anyone around €50,000 – €3,00,000.
He was pretty surprised, he told me that he had a word with many app development Ireland based companies in Limerick, Dublin, Cork & Galway similar to KleverApps, and their cost ranged from $50,000 – $1,00,000, and in Asian countries, it ranged from $10,000 – $50,000.
I agreed with the whole thing though there were many things that Jason had overlooked & I had to clarify. I’m pleased today that he is our precious client, and we’re working on his project, which will be launching soon. I can’t wait to make things big for him (fingers-crossed)
Here’s what I explained to him about app development in Ireland. I hope things are an eye-opener for you as well. All the best.
Factors affecting mobile app development cost in Ireland
The hiring partner you choose for your app will affect the price, but moreover, it’s the factors behind that primarily influence the app development cost.
Ireland is a developer’s hub.
If I say that I have the best developers in my company, you won’t believe me. But I do have. In a study conducted to test the skills of IT developers in different countries, it was revealed that Ireland programmers achieved the maximum points in programming based skills.
Java is the programming language for Android, and it was seen that Ireland based developers scored the maximum points in Android coding & decoding a solution. Thus, it is evident that Ireland hosts the best developers compared to the world.
To top everything, the study also looked into other areas of mobile app development, and it was measured that Irish developers also secured the best skill in algorithms, AI & security. Polish developers were also not far behind Irish developers, but Ireland’s highest points scored by any country.
Developments in the IT sector of Ireland is also clear proof that Ireland is a developer’s hub in the IT industry.
And yes, in such a win-win situation, the cost structure in Ireland is bound to be different & higher from other countries due to the talents it possesses.
Expertise in mobile programming languages is the top-rated skill, and Ireland comes under top nations with a developer’s population of 70,000 and above.
A report conducted by Silicon republic also declares that 10% of the working Dublin population are software developers. Also, Ireland is home to the highest percentage of developers in the British Isles.
These stats testify that Ireland hosts the best talent for app development with a 97% return on investment.
The platform, features, technological stack & complexity of the app
Here comes an integral part of any app development process – the platform you choose, the features you want to incorporate, & the complexity of your app idea.
Let’s assume that you have a gaming idea in your mind.
And as you are well aware – games are the most downloaded apps on both the App Store & Google Play Store. But they are also considered as one of the more complex apps.
Ask us why? – A game is filled with multiple immersive elements with visually strong graphics & a powerful interface. So it will require a lot of features, right? To back the entire game development process, a highly advanced technological stack is also needed, right? And suppose if you want to include advanced features like 3D visualisations, AR-VR, or social media integration.
Also, games host top-notch functionalities that lead to more development time among any other app type. Thus, the cost estimates are undoubtedly bound to reach higher.
But yes, let’s not forget that complex apps assure the highest returns on investment. So if you’re investing more, then you’re getting in even more.
Coming to the platform, there are two kinds of mobile app platforms – native app development & hybrid app development.
Hybrid app development allows you to have a single app that can work both on the iOS & Android platforms which means a single code & a single cost.
While native app development signifies two different apps for two other operating platforms – iOS & Android, here you’re likely to choose between launching your app idea on one of the platforms (iOS & Android) or going for a native app development for both platforms.
Developing a native app gives more security, and your app is bound to be high in quality as it would be created by native iOS or Android developers.
But as you see, developing two different apps for two other platforms is likely to cost you more.
In a nutshell, the way you want to shape your project defines the entire cost of your product.
Hourly rate of developers
The formula to determine the mobile app development cost is = app development time * type of app * hourly rate
So it clarifies that the hourly rate played an essential role in determining the mobile app development cost in Ireland.
If we talk about Ireland, the app development cost ranges between €17 – €50. And yes, that includes all the cost models – fixed, dedicated, & augmented team services.
The app development costs in Ireland vary from many other countries. If we check the hourly rate in the US, then the hourly rate of hiring a developer is $50 – $150.
Also, if we see other countries, then the hourly rate in Eastern Europe is $20 – $50. Countries like Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland offer fewer development costs, but they don’t guarantee a bug-free app.
The cost of hiring a developer mostly depends on the area you are hiring. At the same time, the top spots belong to Ireland, with an hourly rate from $17 – $50 and outstanding results.
I hope that our article clarifies why Ireland based app development costs varied from other countries.
That’s why choose accordingly, don’t be dragged away by super-low charges, and select an app development country that offers you the best solution.
It can be us also 😉
Be like Jason.